Saturday 19 November 2011

for tatsuya-san~(´・ω・`)♥♥

gw menemukan sebuah puisi yang bener-bener ngingetin gw sama monsieur tatsuya..ditulis kakak kelas gw sepertinya..

it wasn't about your death
because i know that
all life things will not be a thing at the end
and that is one thing that exactly happened
and now it's your turn to go
i really know that..

but one thing that makes me totally
frightened is this reality
the reality that the death is really can break my happines in one time..

did you know,it seems like wich suddenly changed to spring.
this tear drops say we have to seperate forever
at the faithfull that you write
at the sweetest memory since you came..

i'm not going to sighing
but i think you're too fast to go
they can tought that i'm a good life mate
they never realized
that you are the one
that can make me be agood life mate..

you teach me how to faith
so i'm faith with you
you teach me how to lived
so i can love you like this

good bye my love
you're my sunshine
my half life and my heaven's angel,indeed !!"

*it's write by my seniors*


selamat datang!!オカエリ ♪(ノ´∀`*)ノ !!!
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